Life Is Like a Mountain Hike — What It Taught Me About Life

5 practical life tips learning from hiking

Iman Tucker | DJ IMN. TCKR
6 min readApr 24, 2021
Iman Tucker | 5 Tips Mountain Hike

I went hiking.

I hated hiking.

However, in my experience I learned so much about life that I believe may be applicable to anyone’s circumstance. I was underprepared in every stretch of the imagination. I wore the running shoes instead of hiking boots. I wore all black in 100 degree weather. I wasn’t prepared in the slightest.

I had to step into a space of zen and forge through the experience. As I got over the unfavorable conditions, so many life lessons came into perspective. It only felt right to share those. These are the five takeaways I had.

It is impossible to take the same steps as someone else

Picture this: you’re paired with a seasoned veteran in hiking . Someone who has spent years perfecting their craft. Your only focus is to follow after their footsteps. Where ever their feet land, yours should too. They will ensure that their path will get them up the mountain.

Your only goal: follow exactly what they do.

It is nearly impossible.

They can give you tips beforehand, encourage you during, and display an example, but they cannot take the steps for you. Even if you try mirror what they do, they odds of your feet landing where theirs did, at the same place, cannot be done.

Life is no different. We can look up to our idols, take advice from our mentors, work alongside our teammates to reach a common goal, but no two people will have the same exact inputs and outputs no matter how hard you try.

This should not serve as discouragement, rather, it should give you peace knowing that you are running your own race in life. Your pace is up to you. Take in the advice and counsel. Steward help well. Most importantly, do your own personal best. If possible, do a little more, remembering that your outcome will never look the same as your favorite influencer.

Your journey is unique, your path is different, even if we end up at the same destination, the top of the mountain.

Focus on the step in front of you

The makeup of a mountain is rigid. Rocks with a texture punishing if you misstep. Some smooth steps, some that drop before a rise, some that require hands to propel you up.

You never really know what’s to come, you only know what is right in front of you. If you take your eyes off of your next step you may find yourself in trouble.

There are moments you can’t help but to look around as you climb and see everything around you, yet, if you did while climbing you may find yourself slipping. Much like life, it is wise to focus on the step right in front of you.

We can’t control the future, we can’t determine outcomes headed our way. All we can do is take the proper steps needed in the current moment. Each day we make the little investments to contribute in the big picture.

Like lifting, we can’t get to the dream body without the daily gym investment.

Like painting, you can’t get to the masterpiece without the tiny brush strokes.

Like a career, you can’t climb the ladder without the daily investments into the business.

Focusing too far ahead may become overwhelming. Discouragement may creep in. We really can’t control much of the future at all. All we can control is the here and now. Focus on being excellent and doing the little things right, over and over again.

Don’t forget to take a break and see how far you’ve come

As you climb a mountain there are so many things going on at once. People passing you by, the variability of the weather, your own personal energy, so many moving pieces.

Each step you take up the mountain you are gettin a step closer to your goal. As you ascend you have the opportunity to see the landscape from a new perspective. Little details that make up the larger picture of the horizon begin to bleed together, reminding one that although the world can feel small, there is so much that it has to offer.

Yet, you are so far from where you started.

Often in life we get so caught up in the daily grind. With a focus on each individual step that we may get lost into the the day-to-day. We may even forget how much we’ve accomplished or learned since embarking on life’s journey. Everything you’ve overcame and pushed through has contributed to who you are today. Don’t forget to stop on the mountain of life once you’ve hit milestones and enjoy where you are at.

When you get to the top, what is next?

You prepared your body. You focused on each individual step. You made it to the top of the mountain.

That feeling of accomplish sets in as you look around at the beauty surrounding you. What once seemed so high, you are standing on top of, a few feet higher. You have accomplished your goal.

But what’s next? You cannot remain in that moment forever. Your community needs you. You need you. In this moment you must recalibrate your goal now to get back down the mountain to resume life. If you dwell in this moment forever, you will die.

Our goals in life are much like that. We spend so much time and energy working and hoping our goals come to fruition. Our life work may even be focused on a specific goal. Once you achieve it does that mean life stops? It shouldn’t.

Perhaps this means you now have to reinvent yourself. Set a new goal, find a new hobby. That is OK. We were not designed to be linear in activity and ability. Our goals shouldn’t be either. A fulfilled life may include my moments of new goal creation. Athletes go into their careers with the understanding that they will not be competing forever. What if everyone took the same approach? Would we be more versatile? More fulfilled? Maybe.

Once you get to the top, figure out what is next and go.

Establish why you are doing what you do

Once before I was hiking, and one of the members in our group turned around not long after our hike began and asked,

“Is anyone having fun? Why are we out here? This is not fun.”

I thought about it, and I think I agree. It was not fun. I pondered why I was out there if it was not fun.

Then, it settled in. I was not out there to have fun. I was out there for the spiritual experience. To challenge myself. To complete a hike. For me, it had nothing to do with fun.

You have to establish why you are doing what you do in life.

If not, motivation and discipline may begin to waver.

Most actions required in life are not fun, yet they have purpose. It is on us as individuals to decide why we are doing what we do. What purpose does it serve? Does it even have to serve a purpose for us to still do it?

Regardless, of the action, we must attach a why to them to unlock the impact that lies inside.

Iman Tucker a proud member of Believe Brand Co.

Believe Brand is a faith based apparel company who exists to allow others to express their faith and contribute to local causes through the proceeds.



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Iman Tucker | DJ IMN. TCKR

Indy based Entrepreneur and DJ writing about everything brand building, music, and tips to more fulfilling life.