6 Elements to Success | Tips to build a life by design

Tips to accelerate your mindset and perspective to achieve success

Iman Tucker | DJ IMN. TCKR
5 min readJan 5, 2021
Iman Tucker | Believe Brand Co. | DJ IMN. TCKR | Indianapolis

1. Success is a reiterative process

Did you ever have an idea that was brilliant, yet it never came to reality?

Was it fear? Was it procrastination?

Whatever it was — relieving yourself of the pressure of perfection will pay strong dividends in the future.

You don’t have to get it right on the first try. Just get close, then refine each time. What you’ll learn is that no amount of reading, YouTube videos, or higher education can replace just doing it.

As you get started you will learn what areas you are good in, what areas need to be improved, and what needs to be delegated.

No idea will ever be perfect the first time. Instead of trying to start at 100% get something out, anything. Each time you work on it look to get 1% better. Over a period of time you will have surpassed anything you could have imagined when you first got started.

2. Write down EVERYTHING

Retaining information is tough as is. Humans have over 6,000 thoughts per day. 70% of which we forget within a week, 90% after that.

Our memory is temporary, scripts are forever if we take care of them.

Write down things you want to see manifested. Your dreams, ideas, desires.

Ideas written down are 42% more likely to occur.

By writing things down you will have something to reflect back on to see how far you’ve come.

Not only does it serve as a solid reminder, it also creates accountability.

Not all ideas are “now” ideas. Some are reserved for the future. As you grow and you learn your world perspective will shift and you will evolve into a new version of yourself. You may not agree on how you used to think, that’s why it’s important for you to write ideas down to recall as they may be better than they were before.

Regardless of when you plan to execute, write ideas down and watch how it improves your workflow.

3. Learn even from those behind you

As we progress up the career ladder, as we become more experienced, as we age — it’s easy to become complacent, but it’s even easier to adopt an elitist mentality. One where we assume we know “best” and someone behind us or someone seen as “less than” is undeserving of an opportunity to teach.

It’s important to recognize how dangerous this mentality is. To reach for humility, understanding that anyone can teach us anything, at any moment.

We each have different gifts, perspectives and understanding. Never let title or experience keep you from inquiring on knowledge. Our world is constantly changing. With so much available knowledge it is impossible to know everything.

Keep your ears open to listen , but especially keep your heart open to receive knowledge that others have. Not all knowledge has to be sought out and learned on your own.

4. Listen first — conceptualize second — if necessary use words.

Listening is a superpower. Yet we often underestimate the power of listening.

If learning is a priority for you, then listening may be a great solution.

You can’t learn new things if you are always the one sharing. When you allow others to share their truth, internalize, and then take serious time to conceptualize and interpret what it is they are sharing — you will find that your ability to learn and understand what’s going on around you exponentially grows.

You can’t neglect the conceptualization piece. At this point you must chew the meat and spit out the bones, meaning take away the insights and truths that are relevant to you.

Once you have listened, and internalized you have the option to respond.

If necessary, use words.

What you will find is that real leaders lead in silence. What you will find is the most likable people allow others to feel heard.

5. Foundations first, flex second

We live in an age where flexing is around every corner. Everyone wants to look like a celebrity. Everyone wants to sound like an expert. Social media has allowed all of us to have a platform to share our opinions, regardless of their merit or validity. We are able to snapshot our highlights and show just a fraction of our life making it appear to be something we are not.

Social media and “flexing” culture is looked down on but I think there is hidden value.

However, the foundation must come first. The moments when no is watching. All of the practice. You must do the work.

Build a foundation and master your craft. As you gain proficiency in the moments where people can’t see you working, you’ll find your skillsets and confidence improving.

When the time comes to reveal your work, what you will find is the foundation you’ve built becomes the flex.

We have it wrong we want to flex first, then try and build the skills. Build the foundation first, then let that be the flex.

Through the display of your work, the “flex,” more opportunity will come. People will become interested, inspired and look to let your foundations shine. You will have the opportunity to flex and show the world how hard you’ve been working, what you’ve learned, and allow the work to impact the community.

Then, what you will see is that you’ve been flexing the wrong way the entire time.

You know you have made it when you don’t have to flex — your community will do it for you.

6. Teach and empower others

Imagine knowing what you do now at age 18. How would the trajectory of your life be different?

Would your career have been different?

Would you have saved more money?

Married someone else?

Regardless of what could have occurred, it did not.

Yet there is someone in an earlier season of life that is looking for the information you hold. If they had the information you do, the rest of their life could be changed forever.

Face it — we can’t reach success alone. It requires a community. What better way to bring your community up than imparting valuable knowledge to them? What if they could take what you know and enhance it beyond what you could?

Helping others win does not mean that you have to lose. In fact, it has been proven that teaching others is a way of learning for yourself.

The most successful people leave behind legacies. Legacy minded people understand that in order for them to live on once their time is up, they have to impart their knowledge into others. Through their body of work and wisdom they leave behind value long after the time they pass.

You can’t live forever, but the power in multiplication begins by sharing your gifts and knowledge with others.

Iman Tucker a proud member of Believe Brand Co.

Believe Brand is a faith based apparel company who exists to allow others to express their faith and contribute to local causes through the proceeds.

SHOP APPAREL: https://believebrandco.com

DJ SITE: https://believebrandent.com

Follow me on IG: @Iman_Tucker

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Iman Tucker | DJ IMN. TCKR

Indy based Entrepreneur and DJ writing about everything brand building, music, and tips to more fulfilling life.